Fermented feed a disaster


5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
I was so excited when i learned about fermenting chicken feed and how simple it was. I did a 5 gal bucket half filled with feed and the rest with water and 1/4 cup of ACV . It was ready yesterday so I fed then 2 scoops and after an hour they still did not touch so i threw that bowl into the garden. This morning I tried again, and once again the chicks would not touch it. What did I do wrong? I stired twice a day kept a lid on, bubbling real hard first 3 days then bubled only when i stired. Did not smell bad. I hate to throw all that food away. Anyone else having same issues?
First let me start off by saying I do not ferment feed, waaaayyy to many thing can go wrong and you can do more harm than good if things go bad.

Now I do Soak and Sour Oats and Grains.
If you want to try a very simple and easy recipe try this on.

First take your 5 gallon bucket and wash it out good, soap, water and rinse it out good.

Now fill the bucket up about 1/2 way with Whole Oats (they clipped but stay away for the rolled and other stuff)
Mark the bucket about 2 to 3 inches above the Oats with a permanent marker
Fill the bucket up to that line you made with tap water (you could also use apple juice or a mixture of the two)
Check the bucket in the morning and again at night to see if you need to add more liquid to bring it back up to that line you made.
When the Oats stops soaking up liquid it is done and ready to feed.
Feed 25% of the Oats to 75% of there regular feed.
Thanks for your recommendation. Where do i get the oats? Is this the same as oatmeal? Is this oats you buy for horses? I will try once I know what to buy.
Thanks for your recommendation. Where do i get the oats? Is this the same as oatmeal? Is this oats you buy for horses? I will try once I know what to buy.
You can get oats a any feed mill, TSC has them.
The clipped oats like you would use for horses is fine.
Oatmeal is just steamed rolled oats and I wouldn't recommend using them they don't work as well.

Regular Whole Oats --

Clipped Oats --

Photos from -- http://www.commoditymarketing.com/project/oats-whole/
You should be posting in the fermented feed thread if you are worried. I ferment but ACV is usually not needed. Sometimes it's just new and the girls will eat it if they get hungry enough as long as you don't offer any other food source.
when i started giving it to my chicks they did the same thing. they would take one nibble then leave it. after a week or so they loved it. ive been doing it a couple months now. but one of my pullets i still never see her eating it. but the others eat it fine so i must be doing something right!
You should come over to the FF thread,., I had same problem with my two younger ones.... Trust me they won't starve... They will fuss but will eventually give in.. Sometimes I throw some dry feed on top to get them started.... Or mix BOSS in... I've been fermenting for 4 months now and Love it!! I also leave dry feed out during the day .. I feed more in the moring than night bc mine free range and fill up on bugs and compost stuff during the day... Good Luck!

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