Fermented Feed + Chicks

I'm happy to find more people fermenting! I know there's several naysayers, but I've had great results as far as cutting costs, and I truly think my hens lay more eggs. I'm going to college to get a degree in poultry science and I'd like to be able to study this. Maybe my way is wrong, I know a lot of people put more water in, but I haven't had a problem yet. I use 3 cheap Wal-Mart jugs that I rotate. I put 1/3 the amount of crumbles I'd feed dry in, then put an equal part water in. I close the lid and shake every day. When I give it, there's no extra water, in fact it's almost like a clumpy batter. Then I take the jug in and wash it out for the next batch.
how awesome that you are studying poultry science. When I retire, I want to go back to school for just that!!! Never too late to learn! Best wishes and be well! ❤️
how awesome that you are studying poultry science. When I retire, I want to go back to school for just that!!! Never too late to learn! Best wishes and be well! ❤
Thank you! Most people that I tell I'm going to school for that look at me like I'm crazy and are like, "that's a thing... what do you do with that?":idunno :lau So I really appreciate the support!
I'm happy to find more people fermenting! I know there's several naysayers, but I've had great results as far as cutting costs, and I truly think my hens lay more eggs. I'm going to college to get a degree in poultry science and I'd like to be able to study this. Maybe my way is wrong, I know a lot of people put more water in, but I haven't had a problem yet. I use 3 cheap Wal-Mart jugs that I rotate. I put 1/3 the amount of crumbles I'd feed dry in, then put an equal part water in. I close the lid and shake every day. When I give it, there's no extra water, in fact it's almost like a clumpy batter. Then I take the jug in and wash it out for the next batch.
I want to get started but I’m not sure I understand this process.
currently I feed my flock of 15 hens 8 scoops of organic feed. In addition they get protein via yogurt n cottage cheese thruout the week. Plus they free range In the afternoons.
here’s my question... do I ferment the exact same amount of dry feed, the 8 scoops And feed the same amount each day? Or do I give them less than 8 scoops of the fermented feed?
I want to get started but I’m not sure I understand this process.
currently I feed my flock of 15 hens 8 scoops of organic feed. In addition they get protein via yogurt n cottage cheese thruout the week. Plus they free range In the afternoons.
here’s my question... do I ferment the exact same amount of dry feed, the 8 scoops And feed the same amount each day? Or do I give them less than 8 scoops of the fermented feed?
You should eventually be able to feed only 1/3 of the dry amount. Also, just a tip, instead of cottage cheese and yogurt, try cooked eggs, alfalfa, and or black oil sunflower seeds for protein. Since chickens aren't mammals, they don't have the lactate needed to break down the lactose in dairy, so while they can eat it, it's rather similar to a lactose intolerant person eating it. Hope this helps!
You should eventually be able to feed only 1/3 of the dry amount. Also, just a tip, instead of cottage cheese and yogurt, try cooked eggs, alfalfa, and or black oil sunflower seeds for protein. Since chickens aren't mammals, they don't have the lactate needed to break down the lactose in dairy, so while they can eat it, it's rather similar to a lactose intolerant person eating it. Hope this helps!
Do you feed just the sunflower kernels or the shelled seeds?
Hi everyone! I have only been fermenting my feed since January. My flock loves it and I love how much it saves on feed! I was just wondering for those that do ferment, when I can offer it to my chicks? I have some 2 week olds and am currently incubating another batch for friends. Is it even beneficial for chicks?
@DobieLover I understandyou ferment...any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Tina. I've been feeding fermented feed to all of my birds from the moment they hatch or arrive here. When I first started, I just fermented the starter and gave that to them.
The adults eat a mix of fermented homemade feed and Flock Raiser that I give them as a mash and to give a good consistency to the homemade grain mix.
I feed in long troughs I made out of 4" PVC that I suspend from the rafters of the run. There is a thin pipe strung onto a cable that I hook over the center of the trough. Anyone that tries to perch on that gets spun off but there is plenty of room for the adults to get their heads in to eat.
The broody hens pick out what they want to feed their chicks and give it to them.

I also do the three day rotation in my pantry. We eat Paleo so there isn't a lot stored in my pantry! I use the big red Folger's coffee containers and ferment the homemade whole grain mix, drain it off and safe the effluent for the next jar. This is what it looks like before I pour in a little Flock Raiser to absorb excess moisture and feed it.
fermented feed.jpg
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