Fermented feed "day 1"


6 Years
May 11, 2015
Lynchburg Tennessee

I had one of my Bielefelders hens not eating good and molting at the same time so thought I would try fermenting some feed. The chicks dig it!!! My sex links in the picture and my Bielefelders went crazy over it. I am going to start using it along with the dry feed and see how they do. I fermented half of what I normally feed per day and it produced more volume than usual. I can see where this could really cut down feed cost/usage.
I have a 3 gal. bucket that I keep it in with the lid half way closed. I keep the water level above the grain. As I feed, I replace the feed and the water. This way it continues to work and I don't have multiple buckets sitting around.
I'll try to get pics of them so you can see their growth. It seems fast to me.
None of mine had tail feathers or neck feathers till the first of this week. I even spent the money to buy them the feather fixer feed but the molt still lasted a month or longer. It's crazy!!
I started the day I brought mine home. I just emptied the first 50# bag, so it lasted one month. The pullets and chicks are growing like weeds and they love the feed.

Awesome didn't know you were doing that. Keep mew posted on how it goes. What kind of system do you have in place? This spring you should get plenty of eggs.
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They are coming on good! My Bielefelders hens are finally starting to get their feathers back in and one laid an egg yesterday so
I am hoping that's a good sign to getting back to normal.

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