Fermented feed Question


6 Years
Dec 28, 2013
So I am thinking about starting my flock on a ff diet but a question I have is can you use beet pulp in it? I know Beet pulp is not a great source of nutrition but my girls and boys love it I have 19 chickens and I give them about 2-3 cups of it in the evening with there normal layer feed. There is never any left come morning. I use the beet pulp with out molasses. I have noticed that the beet pulp ferments very quickly (I also give it to my horses mixed with a little grain they love it as well and helps with my grain and hay bill). really curious as to what peoples input is.
I used to feed fermented beet pulp to a 30+yr old Arab gelding I had. He loved it and it was the only way I'd found to get him interested in eating all of his feed. (trying to keep weight on him was a full time battle)
I can't see it hurting your chickens. If they're eating it and like it dry, fermenting it would be even better.
Ok I started my fermented feed a couple days ago first batch was some green beans layer feed and whole corn with some buttermilk finally fed them some tonight they loved it and tried to eat the container it was in even. So on to my next question what is the best kind of feeder for it? And how much should I give to each of my chickens there are 19 of them 2 are EE bantys the rest are LF
I hope you keep posting your experience with FF with beet pulp fermented in with the other grains. I've been thinking about adding beet pulp to my flock's diet, and if beet pulp ferments well, and your flock thrives on it, I may give it a try.

I feed my flock of twenty, nineteen hens and one rooster, a total of thirteen cups of FF daily. Actually, I give the rooster a cup, and the hens eight cups in the morning, and then if they're hungry later in the afternoon, I give the hens another four cups. They always clean up every crumb, so I guess they need that much. They mob me if their troughs are empty.

I use two plastic rectangular containers I found at a garage sale that are about three inches deep. They're about the size of rain gutters, but just eighteen inches long. In fact, some people use plastic rain gutters as troughs for feeding FF. Regular dry feeders do not work.
I just feed my guys their fermented feed in 2 dog food bowls. But there are only 10 of them. I feed them probably six cups of FF a day along with a full feeder of dry food to pick at when the FF is gone.
I hope you keep posting your experience with FF with beet pulp fermented in with the other grains. I've been thinking about adding beet pulp to my flock's diet, and if beet pulp ferments well, and your flock thrives on it, I may give it a try.

I feed my flock of twenty, nineteen hens and one rooster, a total of thirteen cups of FF daily. Actually, I give the rooster a cup, and the hens eight cups in the morning, and then if they're hungry later in the afternoon, I give the hens another four cups. They always clean up every crumb, so I guess they need that much. They mob me if their troughs are empty.

I use two plastic rectangular containers I found at a garage sale that are about three inches deep. They're about the size of rain gutters, but just eighteen inches long. In fact, some people use plastic rain gutters as troughs for feeding FF. Regular dry feeders do not work.
Yeah so far so good they loved it tonight I probably did not give them enough my girls have actually done pretty well on the beet pulp I give them I give it to my horses as well as I said before, but the horses beet pulp is w/ molasses and
I have noticed that by morning any remnants in the horse feed bucket definitely has a fermented odor to it I will let you know how it turns out.
Ok I started my fermented feed a couple days ago first batch was some green beans layer feed and whole corn with some buttermilk finally fed them some tonight they loved it and tried to eat the container it was in even. So on to my next question what is the best kind of feeder for it? And how much should I give to each of my chickens there are 19 of them 2 are EE bantys the rest are LF
Half of a gutter would work.


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