Ferocious Biting Silkie Rooster

My bantam RIR roo - Wilson was biting me, like your silkie. Only when I picked him up, he would grab my skin and twist his head/beak - really giving me a pinch.

I started grabbing his beak when he would grab my skin. I would reach out to pick him up, touch with my left, he would swing his head to nip and with my right hand I grabbed his head/beak, using gentle pressure to make him release. My right hand kind - of cupped his comb, with my thumb on one side of his beak and my fingers on the other. Took three times and he no longer nips me (unless startled at night - then he nips anyone - bird or other).
Aww! But hes so cute!
Your link isn't working, but if it's that video of your lovely silkie roo pecking the bejeesus out of your leg . . . well, how do i know that wasn't a well deserved attack? Perhaps your legs looked very menacing.

Besides, i'm finding that for some reason, my roosters all hate my husband and try to peck his shoes to death. Whereas with me they are gentle and sweet (other than the ferocious pecking one). So i'm thinking it's a dude-on-dude issue. But i think perhaps that is just because he doesn't know it's me. He's finding himself suddenly accosted by an unknown predator and is lashing out trying to protect himself. Poor little guy!

Thanks! i think i just talked myself into keep him.

PS - Want some hatching eggs when i breed him.
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Is he bearded? His wattles look particularly large in my opinion.

Do you have any other white silkie roos that you could use to breed? I would think you might want to use a more docile guy. If he's doing that to your wrists, think about what he might do to the poor girls.

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