Fertility, fresh off the turnip truck...

Quail Jailer

5 Years
Apr 30, 2014
Just in case anyone is interested I have one dozen Cot eggs in an incubator.

These eggs are all firsts and maybe a couple seconds (first laid by a particular hen)

I've always skipped the new eggs, but lets find out how it goes.

They've been cooking for just over 48 hours and I candled a few, just because.

Its still early but I was encouraged, I'll light them up again in another day or so.
Yeah back when I was trying to quit I had a one egg hummingbird incubator strapped to my arm,
Thought I could try it as a patch....
OK here we are @day four with this little experiment. I just lit them and it is my opinion that 3 are duds, possibly a couple more. (had one shell so dark cant see inside)

Thats a little better than I had expected, but assuming we get hatches
I'm wondering if the level of deformations and other problems will be elevated...

We shall find out together, with the next installment.
Ooo I like the idea of this, can't wait to see the turn out and hopefully there are no problems with the chicks.
What are you using for a brooder:/.

Just my regular brooders, first week I always use plastic tote brooders, after that, wire floor brooder.
Boy how time flies, here we are at the moment of truth...Into the hatcher and Lockdown @ 10 PM.

Oh and speaking of lockdown, one of my goldens just laid a 20 gram egg!
Ah Houston, the capsule has been invaded by a tiny life form. Day 16 hour 20 first hatchling. (I'll get pix later)

PS. looks healthy no close inspection yet.

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