
Thanks in my mind faverolles are the perfect chicken. Easily handled, good layers, hardy, not overly broody but occasionally, beautiful, and most of all super friendly.

I read somewhere that they are flyers... are they flyers? That is what kept me from getting some.
Thanks in my mind faverolles are the perfect chicken. Easily handled, good layers, hardy, not overly broody but occasionally, beautiful, and most of all super friendly.

I read somewhere that they are flyers... are they flyers? That is what kept me from getting some.

Mine have never tried to fly anywhere I think they are pretty good at flying though if your strying to keep them in an uncovered pen it could be tuff.
they can fly when they have to but being slightly fuller than some bantam flying breeds they seem to prefer the walking/hopping up to things. mine tended to fly up to the rafters in my regular coop to roost at night but tend to mostly use the ramp up to the nesting boxes, then fly the short distance over to a shelf and then into the rafters.

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