Fertilize chickens egg through insemination

I just take said hen i want bred and hold it infront of rooster and he does her and she goes back to her pen lol
I want my hens to raise them and think their own chicks. Is that possible
Neither hens not roosters know if they had anything to do with the egg the chick hatched from. A good rooster should accept any young chick of any color as his. Not all roosters are good but most are in his regard.

It's the same with the hen. She needs to imprint on the chicks and the chicks need to imprint on the hen so it's best to use very young chicks before they have a chance to imprint somewhere else. But a good broody hen should accept any chick.

Many of us regularly put young chicks under a broody hen and she adopts them. The ones I do are from my incubator and are three days old or less. I wait until after dark and remove fake eggs from under the hen and put the chicks under her. If I have more than a few chicks the later ones are just put in the nest, they will find their way under her. Then I'm down there at first light to see how it is going. It is almost always successful.

I've read that the hen has to have been broody for three weeks before she will accept chicks. I don't believe hens can count that well. I've had broody hens take chicks earlier than that. I think it is best to wait a week or so before trying, a hen has to be committed broody before she will accept chicks.

You never know what will happen. I had a hen that had been broody for two days fight another hen to take her chicks away from her. I also had a hen that had been broody three days not accept chicks I put under her.

The other option has been mentioned is to get fertile eggs and let your hen hatch them.

I have no idea how you would go about buying rooster sperm and fertilizing your hens if you want your hens to lay the eggs that hatch. If a hen is laying eggs she is not broody so you'd have it get an incubator to hatch the eggs and raise the chicks yourself.

Where are you located? We may be able to help you find fertilized eggs if we know where you are.

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