Fiesty Little Chick!!


7 Years
May 11, 2012
Loving having my chickens! They are still not outside so each morning we take them outside and put them in the 5'x5' temporary run. Usually they go quietly, but this morning I swear one tried her best to cluck at me. I know that she is probably too young (4 weeks old tomorrow) but she let out a chicken yell that told me she did not want me to pick her up! lol She flew across the room back into the brooder, then when I got her outside she flew away from me then. Silly little chicken, but I love her!
Too cute!! I also have a chick coming up to four weeks soon, they are adorable!!! How many have you got?
We have three. We have no idea what kind they are or even if they are hens or roosters. lol They were a class project for my son--they got to study the eggs, watch the hatch, and then the teacher told them they could adopt them. So, home they came.
Apparently so. Then I came home from the store (going to get their food) and they had knocked their water over! They all seem to be in a mood today. lol
I made it! I only checked on them twice
. They were very happy chickens this morning when I went to let them out.

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