Fig tree dilemma for coop design


Jul 24, 2020
I am planning a new coop for my small flock (currently 3 hens). We want to build a new coop near our vegetable garden. Our challenge is that there is a fig tree in the area that we would like to place the coop. i am curious if anyone has built a run around a fig tree. I’d love to see designs or hear your ideas!

The area is about 10 ft long and 6 ft wide. There is about 7 feet from the base of the tree to the edge of the gate. The last pic shows a possible footprint that would be 10x6 including the tree.


I'm concerned that with the tree protected with wire inside the 10x6 space the effective space for the chickens is cut in half -- in which case you might as well just build a 5x 6 run. :(

Does your space permit turning the run 90 degrees to build it beside the fig tree instead of around the tree?

The shade (and fallen figs), can only benefit the chickens, but that tree isn't going to get any smaller over the years and will crowd them out completely. Also, if you want to roof the run against aerial predators -- even just with bird netting -- the tree will make that extremely difficult.

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