Fighting chicks!


6 Years
Jun 24, 2013
We bought four chicks, 2 RIR and 2 black austrolorps 1 week ago. They seem to be fighting a lot. My husband found the newspaper in the bottom of the brooder shredded and one of the chicks in really bad shape, not eating or drinking. She died later that day. Now another seems to be sluggish. Should we deprecate them all. It's hot today. We could put them outside in an enclosed area, but we worry about leaving them alone because the red tail hawks are circling. Any thoughts?

I wanted to add that newspaper isn't good for bedding. It's too slick for good footing and can cause splay leg.
Paper towels work well. I start each group with a roll of cheap towels and change them several times a day. After a little while they get moved to shavings.
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Our coup is ready, but we need straw etc. The chicks are only a few weeks old and I would worry about them outside at night. It would be too cold. We don't have a lamp in the coup. Thanks!

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