Fighting Drakes - What to Do?

Joy Jonsdotter

In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2021
So I used to have more ducks but a couple caught botulism and died. My four survivors (two drakes, two hens) were fine by themselves for a few days, but all of a sudden one drake started picking on the other one. #1 only nips #2 if #2 gets too close to #1 or the hens. It's obviously not spring yet, and the ducks get cold so I have a heat lamp for them, but I think #1 isn't letting #2 snuggle to stay warm. Will this eventually fix itself, or do I need to step in? We're planning on hatching more in the spring, so is it maybe a ratio thing, or just a pecking order? All are less than a year old. I tried to give them stuff to play with instead of fighting, but they're very timid so they all hid in the corner (still fighting) til I moved the ball. #2 isn't hurt at all, just kind of freaked out.
Ducks can handle pretty cold temps. I don't think the lack of snuggling should be a problem. My ducks currently have extra drakes as well. My older drake makes sure one of the younger drakes keeps his distance, but he allows the other to remain with the hens.
oohh drakes... fun times right there. Especially when you give them their first bath for the spring! (being sarcastic if u couldn't tell lol) I would definitely get more females
So it sounds like I should either get rid of a drake (no emotional attachment, so it would be ok) or get some more hens. We raised these guys from mailed hatchlings, but it sounds like I might not have time to wait. Is there a place online where I can purchase/sell adult birds? I'm not sure I have the weather appropriate space to separate the birds. The coop/run was built to hold 15 birds so we definitely have space and resources for more hens.
You could make a post here on the duck forum, and in your state thread. You might be able to find someone local who can either sell you some ducks, or take the drake
Follow up question (sorry, still new at this): how do I get to the state threads?

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