fighting raccoons

Congratulations....awesome catch!!

Neighbor's Cat....fantastic catch, LOL!!!
I know, right!! I'll use marshmallows next time
nothing disturbed the trap last night... and my kids are nagging me to let them have marshmallows now that the bag is open.
nothing disturbed the trap last night... and my kids are nagging me to let them have marshmallows now that the bag is open.

Show them where you put the marshmallows and tell them they are welcome to them if they can fit their entire bodies in the trap

Nothing in the trap last night and no tunnels opened. However at some point this morning a big (based on the size of the holes) chuck opened one from under the floor and dug another to get back under the floor
I can't leave the trap set during the day or I would just trap chickens.
Nothing in the trap last night and no tunnels opened. However at some point this morning a big (based on the size of the holes) chuck opened one from under the floor and dug another to get back under the floor :he   I can't leave the trap set during the day or I would just trap chickens.

Is it possible to set the trap where the chickens would not have access?
Is it possible to set the trap where the chickens would not have access?

Possibly, I'm targeting the ones that are tunneling into the lower part of the barn. I found some holes in the upper part yesterday and filled them in with rocks. Caught an adult in the trap in the barn alley (unseen by the stupid game cam!) last night that had tunneled out from under the wooden flooring that exists in part of the area. I filled those holes in 4 times yesterday. But today the holes in the upper barn were not reopened so I wonder how far those tunnels extend under the floor and into other less accessible areas of the upper barn or if I had trapped it under the floor. It went for a ride out to the woods.
Possibly, I'm targeting the ones that are tunneling into the lower part of the barn. I found some holes in the upper part yesterday and filled them in with rocks. Caught an adult in the trap in the barn alley (unseen by the stupid game cam!) last night that had tunneled out from under the wooden flooring that exists in part of the area. I filled those holes in 4 times yesterday. But today the holes in the upper barn were not reopened so I wonder how far those tunnels extend under the floor and into other less accessible areas of the upper barn or if I had trapped it under the floor. It went for a ride out to the woods.

If you can find tunnels that you think run to burrows, here is what I would do.

Go to the grocery store and get a few 5lb blocks of dry ice. Break up the blocks with a hammer and drop the chunks into the burrow runs. Dry Ice is solid Carbon is denser than air. It will fill the tunnels with CO2, anything in the tunnels will most likely succumb.

Because the Carbon Dioxide is denser than air, it will stay in any low spots, it won't really disipate unless the ground is porous.

Bury all the tunnels after you've dropped in the dry ice and you should be good to go.
I have to assume that at least some of the tunnels go to burrows, GHs live underground, no? I will have to check and see if any stores sell dry ice. Isn't that an unusual item for a grocery store? If they have it I don't know where they keep it.

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