Filly is colicing!! Prayers Please!!


10 Years
Mar 30, 2009
South Alabama

I don't have any time to discuss but we really need prayers out here this morning! I found my filly colicing this morning and we have been working on her all morning, for over 3 hours now.

Prayers are needed!!!!

I will update later when I can....

We have given her a whole bottle of mineral oil, a syringe of pepto, and keeping her up and walking. I can hear gut sounds better than I did at first this morning but she is passing very little amounts of poo. It is loose but not watery but I am going to give her an enema when I go back outside. I have Auburn on standby right now, ready to take her in, if she doesn't get any better.

THANKS for the prayers and keep 'em coming! I would really hate to lose this filly.
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If she's that bad you need to just take her in. If she has twisted intestines the sooner she goes to surgery the better chance she has. Good luck.
I would also call a vet if no signs of improving and no gut noise. Also, unless she is trying to roll or thrash, you do not need to walk her and in fact, the rest will do her good if she wants to lie down__as long as she is being still and quiet.

First signs of rolling or thrashing, she needs to be up and moving and vet out ASAP.

Good luck and hope she pulls through ok!
OK, Whew. Before I could even give her the enema she sprayed me with poo! She was definatly stopped up. Just as fast as she passed the poo she started eating grass. You could see the relief in her almost immediatly. I let her have a little bit of grass and watched her for a good 30 minutes to make sure she didn't try to lay down and roll. Then I took her back to her moma in the field. She nursed some and she is feeling much better I can tell. I am going to keep a close eye on her to make sure that the blockage was all that was causing her colic episode.

Ashmeade ~ I was letting her rest for periods of time making sure she didn't roll. At first this morning she was really wanting to roll but after I got the oil in her she would stand for longer periods before trying to get down and roll.

I would categorize this case as a mild to moderate colic but still, it's one of those things that I don't take lightly, even mild cases, because they can end up very deadly. She wasn't at the point where I felt she needed surgical intervention yet but I had them aware that she might need it and for them to be ready for us.

I even brought her inside the kitchen while I updated this thread, went to the ladies room, fed my son, and made a phone call. LOL She just walked right up the steps into the kitchen. My no animal in the house policy is null and void when one of my babies is sick

Now, I am exhausted LOL

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