finally allowed to get an incubator


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
moncks corner s
So my dh finally caved in and said I can get my incubator I am so excited. I have been reading this thread for ages and feel I have a good grasp. I will be starting with my own eggs which will be backyard mutts. I haven't even told my kids yet they are going to be so excited. So I feel I have a good grasp on what to do just had to share this awesome news
well, all I can say is
....... be prepared to have a chicken explosion....

seriously, next spring get involved in some of the egg swaps (that way you can get almost any breed that might be to your liking).

Sure, you can try with pullet eggs. Some people feel like you have a higher chance of failure because sometimes the chicks get too big for the eggs. I've hatched pullet eggs before and had varying success.

Congrats on your new toy!
That article was great. I have notes made out for what if for quick reference. I did turn my still air incubator into a forced air added a small fan. Temps with hygrometers is .99 humidity 55%

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