Finally got an egg!!!! Yayeee!!!


9 Years
Aug 23, 2010
One of our BR hens, finally laid her first egg, yesterday! We were so excited!!!! She is 28wks, and we were starting to think, she decided not to

My first egg was on Friday, most likely was from my 23 week BR. The BR and Black Star have both been squating for over a week now.
How was your egg shell? Was happy mine was nice and hard, had to give it a few whacks to crack open. Though the pullet sized oyster shells had to be crushed with a hammer to make pullet sized they did the trick.

Alrighty, just figured out which one layed on Friday. Black Star egg this morn was same size as Friday's and then the Barred Rock went into the nest and gave me a smaller egg with trace of blood so her first today!
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Congratulations! I just got my first egg yesterday from my 23 week olds, and the wait was making me crazy. I can't imagine holding out another 5 weeks. I bet that seemed like the prettiest egg you ever saw.
It's so fun, isn't it? My RIR just started laying last week and today I got the 1st egg laid in the nesting box. It's been on the floor before today! I still have 4 chickens not laying.


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