Finally Got Chicks!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 17, 2013
Got these at the New Braunful's Feed Store.

They had two breeds in each bin (all hens or straight runs) and the only one I can remeber is the Rhode Island Red.

Sorry for the quality of the pics, taking pics of small fuzzy things is kind of hard. Also, if possible, what breed(s) and how old?

Minerva (drinking)
The Rhode Island Red is Peaches (the loudest chick I've ever heard.
The one with the black back is Freya.
The tannish one is Isis.
Zirra is the black blob.
The one drinking looks like a Silver Laced Wyandotte. The one with the black back is either a Black Australorp or a Jersey Giant, but Black Australorps seem to be more common so I assume it is that. Hope this helps!
if its a black austrlorp it will have some yellow coloring on its face. one of mine looks like it has elvis' mutton chops! solid black could be the jersey giant...or possibly a black cochin, are their feathers on its legs?

the other i would agree looks like my silver laced wyandotte

Edited to add age: from what i can tell in the pics is that they still look young...maybe got some week-olds or so....would doubt if they were 2 weeks yet!

beautiful babies! congrats!
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When they are not bunched up, does that mean the temperature in their "habitat" is just right? Sorry, if its a stupid question. I haven't been around chicks this young before.

They are living for now in a giant cardboard box lined with a trash bag and covered in a thin layer of shavings (like they had at the feed store) in my spare bedroom. I'm keeping the light on and the curtains raised during the day and turning the light off at night and shutting the curtains. They appear to be happy and content.
Yes, when they are moving about, not huddled up all together, they are comfortable and it is just right! I love your trashbag setup and I might try this sometime! PM me any time with any questions!
typically that is a good sign, yes! if they are moving about normally all is good. you may want to watch them at night as thats when the temperature drops.

i got mine at 3 days old...for the first week i kept the brooder from 95-100 degrees...week 2 was 85ish...week 3 75ish...and thats where i am now. I will soon start taking the light away during the day and give it to them at nite only...then take it away completely. I found that raising and lowering the light to maintain a temp was really a pain in rear so i went and got a wall dimmer switch and spliced it into my heat lamp cord and it allows me to adjust the amount of light/heat really easily!

No such thing as a dumb question...the only dumb question is the one thats not asked!
I'm feeding Purina Start & Grow Unmedicated, is that a good feed?

How hard is it to find a good vet that does chickens? I live in Comal County, TX. I have goats, so I know how hard it can be to find a vet that does certain species.
i use un-medicated as well. Browse and find our texas thread under the where am i/where are you section of the forums...lots of people with loads more experince than i that will be able to help out alot!!

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