Finally got new chicken today, but...

I thought all hatcheries that sold started pullets clip their beaks because they're all in a very small area and don't want a lot of pecking going on.

If I were you I would keep her and give her the best live she could ask for, she's been through enough already.
Luck just turned for the best
I did find her...YEAH!! But she was not walking around or tucked under a bush. She was HIGH UP IN A TREE!! looking like a retarded crow. This is super chicken here...LOL. She had to have flown up into it too. There are no low branches she could have hopped onto. The moment I got her home...snip, snip, snip of thou wings!!

The one thing that really gets me is the hatchery's use of the word "trimming" of the beak. I've worked in animal care for over two decades and when someone mentions trimming a beak it generally means to simply trim...not keep the beak from growing over and hampering the bird's ability to eat. If birds don't have hard stuff to take in or rough ground to trim their beaks themselves, then they need assistance.

And the refund...even if a full refund would only amount to $21.00...and I'm only asking for half of that back, so money really is not the issue. I did tell them that if there is no compromise, then I will make a report to the BBB and I will mention their poor use of the word "trim". It's very misleading. They already know that I'll be blabbing my experience with them to whatever forums I can find and I'll never buy another animal from them again.

BTW...I did see last night on another part of meyer's website explaining they no longer "trim" beaks of birds under 6 weeks because the beak grows back. That was under the "Information" link. Something I had missed.

I'm just so glad to get her back...especially after seeing all that wild activity going on last night and I'm still amazed how an animal that isn't suppose to lift more than three feet into the air make it over ten feet up into a tree. She did try to come down when I saw her and started to call, but was like not really sure how to come down. My roommate brought out an entire stair banister (all we had long enough to reach) and pushed her down.

Well...I'm going to go sleep now that I

Thanks for your comments
I'm sure they are with their thumbs. They can grab with a set of hands...literally. But it was such a treat to see them and so funny the way they search through the water for fish. Reminds me of blind men looking for their

At least now I know what critters are in the area and when. Awareness is an effective offensive defense (say that ten times really
I'm glad you found her. I have a RSL that I got as a started pullet in April. She's a great girl, friendly, lays huge eggs, and came with a clipped beak. Hers seems to be slowly growing out. It may never look exactly like the other girls, but she eats well and holds her own with the other three. Her beak is slightly crossed, and now only a little bit shorter on top then on the bottom.

Good luck with your new girl.
Thanks. I will still write a letter to the BBB. They do have a symbol on their site so they are probably members and I will give them my two cents worth about this.

How does your bird and anyone else's bird with a clipped beak compare to this one? Mine has a permanent hole to her mouth and she can't coo. The hole makes it come out a whistle like sound. It kind of reminds me of a donkey.

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