Finally have my poultry back!


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Hi everyone,

I don't normally post on the "member intro" section of the forums, but I just wanted to say what an incredibly helpful resource this has been! I kept poultry as a kid and had to do without for my college/grad school education. Now that I am graduated and back out in the country, I am able to start a new flock. Man, I forgot how much I love these bird things! (I have had plenty of mammals and reptiles in the interim, but no birds!)

Thanks again to this site for providing such a friendly resource!

- K
Welcome to BYC and back to the world of poultry raising/keeping. Once in your blood the interest is always there.
Greetings from Kansas, Snakedoc, and
! Pleased you joined us! BYC is indeed a very helpful resource!

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