Finally more eggs - in the snow!


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
Well, after a 3 month (!!!) break for molt, I got my first egg this morning. We got 7 inches of snow overnight and the wind is whipping it all over the place outside, it won't even get to 10 degrees for a high today (and they're predicting a wind chill of -30F tonight) but the girls are safe and snug inside the coop and thanked me for their heat by laying me an egg. Finally! Talk about spoiled chickens....
Woo hoo! Eggss!!

So is that a signal that my lazy hens will be starting up soon?!
hi everyone.. in regards to getting eggs now in the cold weather... I was led to believe that chickens needed a "rest" period of no laying, and that winter was for that purpose. My coops are not heated so I don't usually get eggs after december. I also forgot about the "molt" season. Isn't that in the summer? I have had chickens in the past. I am now starting up again with 2 small coops and 2 chicken families....2 roosters 5 hens divided. Anyway, eggs in the winter? It would be nice

I have orps and was under the impression that they lay during the winter but mine slowed down too, Way down.
They molt when they want to molt. That molting period is their break...depending on the temps and lighting, they will lay through winter.
to chillinwith my you have heat and light allwinter so your chickens lay all winter? I still get one egg from each of 2 chckens right now, but was gettng 3 or 4 eggs ur to about 2 weeks ago. I have only the sunlight and no heat.

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