Finally set up my coop and have chickens


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
I've wanted chickens forever but had no where to keep them, well I leased a new farm so I built a chicken room. I picked up a flock of bantams that a local lady didn't want they were free range needless to say they are not very friendly. I've been working with them daily but not making fast progress I have maybe 3 semi friendly ones. At some point I want to free range them some but I'm hoping they will become nicer first. I currently have 11 bantams and one large red hen possibly Rhode Island Red that was abandon. Im really enjoying my chicken adventure.

How nice of you to take in some birds that needed a new home. It will take time for them to feel comfortable with you and their new home but if you're patient they should come around (especially if they learn you are the source of treats). Here's a good chart for healthy snacks for your new flock:

That article is from the Learning Center and there are a lot more helpful articles there, check it out if you haven't already.

Good luck to you with your new flock. Thanks for joining us!

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