finally success again!


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
This is my fifth time hatching eggs, my first hatch i had 100% hatch, my second hatch the two year old got ahold of and we had one duck hatch, third hatch we had two chicks out of twelve hatch but once again the two year old got them, through a locked door i might add, the fourth hatch we had one chick make it only to have the cat eat it, once again the door was unlocked by a child, an eight year old this time, not mine and a very disrespectful child who was told not to go in that room and did anyway!

anyway, this hatch today is day 21 and i already have five out and dry and one more pipped, and six more eggs that havent done anything yet, but like i said today is only day 21........i am considering this a succesful hatch even if no more make it out, i have changed rooms that the bator is in, much more stable room with a high humidity in the room, there is a bolt lock on the door and I PACK THE KEY AROUND so no one can get in there!


Congrats on your hatch!! So exciting. We had 2 hatch under a hen last Thurs and I have the 5 remaining eggs in the house since she decided to abandon them (I posted about it).

I have a question for you about ducks since I saw you have they stay in the same coop as your chickens? My daughters want to get some and I don't want to deal with making seperate housing for them.

**why don't I see where I can add my signature??**
Congrats on your hatch!! So exciting. We had 2 hatch under a hen last Thurs and I have the 5 remaining eggs in the house since she decided to abandon them (I posted about it).

I have a question for you about ducks since I saw you have they stay in the same coop as your chickens? My daughters want to get some and I don't want to deal with making seperate housing for them.

**why don't I see where I can add my signature??*

they were at first, you can house them together but ducks are messier, they make a mess with water, and the water has to be deep enough to cover there bill, other than that they do fine with chickens although can get confused as to who to breed with, as a side note i now have 9 chicks and four more eggs with no pips yet, i will post pics when i move them out of bator
Okay, that's good to know about ducks. I haven't done any reading on them at all so have no clue. Ducklings sure are cute though and my daughters beg for them every spring.
Congrats! I have had this happen SO many times. The first time I started raising chicks, I got two black ducklings. A few days later, I got another duckling and two chicks. I went upstairs to find that the two black ducklings were out of the cage, but not hurt at all. Although, this was not the case with the other chicks. One chick dead, one duckling dead, and one chick barely hanging on. I immediately found a different place for the two ducklings, assuming that they would hurt it even further. I put it in the box alone, put water in its food and got it to eat. It quickly made progress. Although, at one point some one went upstairs to check on it, and it was freaking out. So she put it back on the little towel we had under the light, and later walked up to find it dead. Then, about a year later, I hatched my first little duckling. Because of my previous experience, I kept the room locked, but checked on it pretty frequently. I think I must have left the door unlocked, because, again, someone had got a hold of it and killed it. Not to long after that, I went to our local tractor supply store and got two more chicks. This time I was even more determined to keep kids out. Then, not to long after she laid her first egg. My sisters dog got a hold of her and killed her. I still have the other chicken, she just stays with the rest of my ducks. I've got 11 duck eggs in my incubator at day 14 and 18 chicken eggs that are at day 7. I recently built a brooder for them that should keep them protected though, so I'm hoping for the best.
OK here they are

they are a mix of leghorn eggs and RIR eggs, the one in the front is striped, i dont know which egg it hatched from, but i think RIR i have BO, BR, Amerecauna, and Old English Game Roosters

one of the leghorn chicks was obviously fathered by my amerecauna, it is yellow with some black on its head and butt it has a pea comb and ear tufts, it is the only one like it. its name is Worm (Daddys name is Bug)

most i think are RIR and BO they look just like my first hatch which are RIR and BO,

still have three to go, No action whatso ever with them, had to help the last one out cause it was sticking to membrane, doing well now
Cute!! thanks for posting your pics. I'm going to take some pics of mine today. the mother hen wants to take them outside so I'll probably move them to our chick tractor/walkin moveable pen that my husband built a few years ago. Its going to be nice here all week!! Yay!!

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