FINALLY!!! Was brave enough to do it.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 6, 2011
Let my 2 younger chickens & my 4 guineas out yesterday. We couldn't get the last 2 guineas to go in the coop last night, but this morning they were hanging out right outside the coop. Let them all out again today. Let's see if they go back at dusk!!
It is definately scarey letting them out for the first time. I was afraid my chickies were going to fly away as soon as the coop door opened! Instead they all just stood there in the coop looking at me like I was crazy. They did eventually start to wander out. My game plan is to ONLY give them treats and food in their coop. That way they always come back there! So far so good. Also, read on here that letting them out for a couple of hours for the first time late in the evening will ensure that they don't wander too far from the coop. I'm sure they will get the hang of it quickly!
I think they must have been completely terrified after their 1st outing. I opened their coop door for them about 4 hours ago & they still haven't ventured out again yet.... LOL
The chickens will definitely come in on their own. Giving them treats in the fence is exactly what I do. Works every time. Now, I know someone who has guineas, and they stopped trying to get them in. Theirs roost in the trees at night. As long as thyre not too small, they're Safe from the owls.

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