
Welcome to BYC. I'm glad you decided to join our flock. Congratulations on being able to have chickens. I've been raising chickens for 50 years, and Mountain Peeps has given you some good, accurate information with regard to various breeds. Australorps are my favorite standard breed, being extremely hardy, calm and gentle, and the best layers of the standard, brown egg laying breeds. Black Sex Links are my favorite of all chickens (they are hybrids as opposed to a breed) as they are hardy and friendly, egg laying machines. I've raised them for years (along with dozens of other breeds and hybrids), and they have been my layers, consistently churning out more than 300 egg per hen per year. I also love Buff Orpingtons and have always kept some in my flock. My children, and now my granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) have made lap pets of my Orpingtons and Australorps. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting your flock.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC and Happy Holidays! You've gotten some good suggestions in the Orps and BAs, X3 on Sussex are a really nice breed also that come in some fun colors, and Wyandottes are another that comes in a lot of interesting feather patterns. Easter Eggers are usually quite friendly also and the colored eggs are fun.
Maybe some of the bantam breeds would appeal to you, they generally are not the best layers but, can take confinement , and are usually safer doing so, than free ranging. And some like Silkies are kid favorites, and even tolerate being dressed up and put in a stroller.
Maybe some of the bantam breeds would appeal to you, they generally are not the best layers  but, can take confinement , and are usually safer doing so, than free ranging.  And some like Silkies are kid favorites, and even tolerate being dressed up and put in a stroller.
No way! Dressed up?!? Our littlest would be over the moon!! I'm going to have to do more reading on them. Our main concern is not so much an abundance of eggs yet we are trying to focus on healthy, happy, and high tolerance for Lil ones. I am also worried about letting them free range as much as I can, IMHO a free range chick would just seem happier & healthier.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC and Happy Holidays! You've gotten some good suggestions in the Orps and BAs, X3 on Sussex are a really nice breed also that come in some fun colors, and Wyandottes are another that comes in a lot of interesting feather patterns. Easter Eggers are usually quite friendly also and the colored eggs are fun.
I have done some reading on them!! And boy would those coloured eggs save time at Easter
! I wish I could have more than one breed yet space and ordinances are extremely small & tight. Also with being a new to all of this we need to find a breed that can / will tolerate our newbie mistakes
Welcome to BYC and congrats on finally being able to get chickens!

Choosing the breed(s) you want is part of the fun of having chickens. There are so many to choose from! In case you are still deciding, here is a chart with breed characteristics that may be of interest to you:

Have fun with whatever breed you go with!

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