Finding my Loner Hen a Friend - Can that be done?


7 Years
Jul 1, 2015
I have a small backyard flock. Last spring I raised 2 more chicks that grew up as best buds... they were always on their own away from the rest of the flock and that was just fine. But then one turned out to be a rooster, so I had to re-home him (cannot have roos in my city limits). Now the hen (who's buddy was rehomed) is on her own and after nearly 4-6 months has not really "joined" the flock. She just hangs around on her own all day long. So, I'm picking up a pullet tonight who is the same age in order to give her a buddy to hang out with. Should I separate the two of them during introduction so they bond? Not sure of the best way to go about this, but she really needs a buddy. Any advice to help them bond would be great.
You should seperate the new one from everyone for a while. Your loner hen may immediately become part of your established flock simply because you're bringing in a newbie. Kind of "you're new,but not as new as her so you're one of us now". Flock dynamics are odd, you should have a real adventure introducing just one pullet.:)
I wondered about that, but then wouldn't it create the same issue all over again? The brand new one would then be just another loner. How are you supposed to stop that cycle? :) It's like girls in high school. Hee hee.
I know lol! You can absolutely try putting the two you want to bond close together and see if they're ok with being freindly it really never hurts to try. Honestly the easiest way is to introuce three or four at once so the animosity is spread out and they don't target one poor soul.
I wondered about that, but then wouldn't it create the same issue all over again? The brand new one would then be just another loner. How are you supposed to stop that cycle? :) It's like girls in high school. Hee hee.
What breed(s) are they? If the loner is smaller she may be avoiding getting picked on by bigger/taller birds.
I introduced 2 big pullets right away together to a laying lone EE. They eventually dominated her once they outgrew her, and she now hangs back.
How are you supposed to stop that cycle?
Don't keep getting more single birds? ;)
Really, just wait for the 'loner' to mature...
...once she starts laying she should work her way into the flock.
As long as she not being beaten by the older birds,
getting enough to eat/drink.....just wait it out.

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