Finding pine shavings in bulk


12 Years
Dec 24, 2007
Southern Indiana/Henryville
I contacted my local "environment friendly" company (purchasing mulch, etc in bulk). They tell me they only have cedar shavings and its in bags....I saw in another post that cedar is a no no....Any ideas where i can look? Really would hate to go to the pet shop and buy 25 lb bags of pine shavings....I plan on covering 16x10 sections in my coop. Thanks!
I'm not sure if you are referring to a feed store or not but I buy Pine shavings at my feed store for $4.15 a 50 lb bag. Walmart ca't compete with that price. Look up feed stores in your phone book and see if there is one nearby. Good luck, Darlene
Same here. $4-5 for a big bag that covers 60 square feet at 2-3" deep.
If your gonna use the deep litter method it may cost you $50 for 10 bags
but it will last a long time.
any lumber mills in your area ?, we got ours from a furniture manufacturing company, or from the dump after they disposed of it. they dumped in a separate area then regular refuse.
We have a tractor supply a few miles away...didnt think of that.Thanks!

I also got thinking about this "workworking" business I go by on patrol on nights. I might stop in there this evening and see if they can find me a pickup load at a "good" price!

Just wanted to thank everyone's input, I must say this is the MOST active and informative forum i have ever been on. Great to know there really are some good people still out there!
Most likely their stuff will be too sawdusty to use for a coop, so be careful... even stuff from mills (bought in bulk) sometimes has an awful lot of sawdust. Bagged shavings sold specifically for animal bedding is more reliable (not that you can't occasionally get a bad bag or brand, but, I mean, on the whole).

Good luck,

and this is why...I use straw. I did try shaveings...I just didnt like the mess out in the yards...they drag it all over. With the straw...sweet PDZ mixed in...and DE...I have NO issues! Personal preferance I guess.

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