Finicky Hen


Jun 6, 2020
NW Washington state, USA
My 1 yr old Barred Rock Hen won't eat her layer food since I bought some mealworms for her. I mixed it into her food and she picks out the mealworms and leaves the food.
She does take in oyster shell and insoluble grit. She eats bugs and some good for chickens greens & blackberries when she's outside with me. She has plenty of water.
Should I just be grateful and not worry about the layer pellets?
I agree. The meal worms are a treat....treats should not be mixed into the feed.

Think of it this way......
A hen wandering around free ranging may find several bugs an hour or no bugs in an hour. Stumbling on a pile of bugs triggers a gorge mode. Finding them in the is like finding a pile of tasty bugs.
I'm a newbie, so forgive this dumb question: how will I know if the feed is off?
Smell it. It should smell good enough to eat. It's actually a good thing to become familiar with the smell of the ration you buy so you can tell if it spoils. Also look if there's climbs or texture or color changes.

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