Fire Ants Problem!! HELP!!

These things ARE brutal to completely terminate. There are so few chemicals that really kill them off. I have found you will have more success if you take care of the mounds while they are still small and contain very few ants. I will carefully and quickly destroy these small mounds with a long rake or buckets of water, avoiding getting any ants on me, and many times if I disturb the queen enough, they will find another place to call home. I have never tried the boiling water method, but I am going to give that a try on a particular mound around here that has been growing quite large. I have tried all the fire ant killers and the only product I have found that works is a spray made by Raid. But since I can't stand there long before getting stung, I can't kill off more than a handful of ants. So boiling water is my next method to try!

Oh and I have found that if you do get stung, the moment you know you were stung, get some rubbing alcohol on the area and apply it well. Repeat in an hour or so too. This will help to counteract the poison. You might try this on any chicks that have been stung as well, if you know where on their body's they were stung. I have been stung so many times, my body reacts horribly to the stings now and I get quite ill. I keep the rubbing alcohol handy.
Here are some tips into getting rid of any type of ants that go into your chicken coop.

1. Move your coop to somewhere were fire ants are not around.

2. Sprinkle fire ant bait around the coop and do not sprinkle it in the coop or your chicks/chickens will be sick and then that should stop the fire ant problem.

3. Spray chemicals around the coop to kills any type of harmful bugs including ants to get rid of the problem.

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