Fireflies- The Rp(Role Play)

"Maybe if you pretend to see the letters, you could make a sentence!" Jamie said.

"Ha ha" Sapphire said sarcastically

Jenna ran up to sapphire and gave her Jenna's flashlight and said "Here use mine, I am already done writing in my journal. I know this night time 24/7 sucks! " (Can I pretend a have a horse with me?"

Sapphire shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. I'm done writing in this stupid journal anyway." She smiled a bit then handed the flashlight back
Name: Raeshaar
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Breed: Pel's fishing owl
Team: Gravitas( one of the few allowed to join)
Description: large Pel's fishing owl, a more orangey color than a normal one
Personalitly: clevr, shy, queit, doesnt like people, independent, loyal
User: Casper101Popcor 

(Accepted :D)
Matthew nodded, he had his flashlight turned on and started to walk. The light shined on the ground so they could see where they were going.
Jenny shined her light forward, so that they could see where they were going, but really it was so that she wouldn't run into any of those giant jungles spider webs.
( Thank you! What's happening, and can i join in?)

(Yeah you can join in, nothing much is happening yet but you start out a human)

(Everyone's characters are on the first post, if you don't see your characters or I'm missing one please tell me :p)

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