first aide kit for chickens


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Fort Pierce, FL
I will be getting chickens in the near future.

I would like to have on hand assorted medication that I might need.

I have already purchased a suture kit and sutures.

Please help me make a list.

Please tell me the best/least expensive on line site to use.

thank you
Will you be raising any chicks? If so. Poly-vi-sol w/o iron - this has been a god send for me. I use it on chicks who act generally "wonky" but originally got it for a chick with wry neck. It gives them a nice boost - for wry necked chicks dosing is usually 2 or 3 drops straight into their mouths a day until they start to outright refuse to take any (usually about a week) in addition to a full dropper-full in their water. I've also used it in adult birds as a general "pick me up".

Blue Kote is another good thing to keep on hand - treats the injury and the colour/taste seems to deter the other chickens from pecking at the injury - some people swear by pine tar instead of this though as better at preventing pecking.
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I based my chicken first aid box on the one in Storey's Guide To Raising Chickens. I don't have everything it lists by far, but here is what I have on hand at the moment:

- Poly-Vi-Sol without iron
-Neosporin w/o pain relief
- Wound wash saline
-gauze pads
-iodine solution, 10%
-diaper rash cream
-hydrogen peroxide
- a packet of Duramycin
- some latex gloves

I've never had a real problem with pecking or serious wounds yet, but some Blue Kote wouldn't be a bad idea either. I have used the peroxide, wound wash, pads, and neosporin a few times already.
Plain cornstarch also works good for this if you can't find any styptic powder
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