First attempt at incubating eggs!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
so i bought myself a Janoel incubator off Ebay, and i have set my first 24 layer/frizzle eggs! they are currently on day 4, an so far all is looking pretty good. Incubator is keeping a steady 37.7C so fingers crossed my first hatch will be successful!

i was itching to use my candling light last night so i picked a random egg and had a go, that was day 3, i will periodically add my candling pics for everyone so i can see if the developments are normal!

Looks good. Your temperature is great. Do you have a way to check the humidity? Just curious. Good luck and have fun!!!
I was looking at that same incubator on ebay last night,let me know how it works for you,will follow this thread.I have eggs comming from ebay should be here today and will be my first time incubating,have always used a broody before but wanted some different breeds and my broody is a silkie and she can only handle a few eggs.Got some blak/blue splash orpington eggs comming.Is the incubator holding the temp good?
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its holding the temp perfectly, im using a digital thermometer to check the temp and its holding stable, after opening it to turn the eggs it comes back up to temp quite good and holds well. i dont have any way of checking the humidity at the moment, but the lady i bought the incubator off told me if i kept the water basin 2/3 full the humidity should stay stable, she uses the same incubator and she has a great success rate. im looking into getting a hydrometer to check properly, but for now im just crossing my fingers lol
Hygrometer/ thermometers are cheap at Walmart! And I recommend getting one! If not then you don't know if humidity is high or low! Can affect your hatch rate! Does this model not have an egg turner? Good Luck!
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no its a manual turn, for the first go i didnt want to go all out with the expensive ones!! we dont have a walmart here (australia) but i will be going into town today and may be able to pick one up
Update day 5: everything is running smoothly, i candled a couple of eggs tonight and im so happy i am seeing growth! perfect little red dot with alot of little veins spidering through the egg, i take this as a good sign?

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