First blue egg!

You sure take some beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them!
@Chicken Strut Dorothy is a brown laying Easter Egger!! So don't get your hopes too high LOL! She was in the cage marked "Aracaunas" at the farm store. For the longest time I thought my Buff Brahma was laying these brown eggs, until I saw it first hand!! My BB just started laying this week, but 3 weeks ago I was fed up with getting 1 brown egg a day-- so I went and got 2 more chicks... A Buff Orp and another EE (labeled Aracaunas of course) so come March I will hopefully be able to post on here again with an ACTUAL blue egg!!!

PS my family has a ski home in btwn West Dover and Wilmington
Wish I was up there to see the fall leaves!!! This Buffalo gal is getting sick of palm trees!!!
PS my family has a ski home in btwn West Dover and Wilmington
Wish I was up there to see the fall leaves!!! This Buffalo gal is getting sick of palm trees!!!

Ah, now your name makes sense! :) Yes, Wilmington and West Dover are a short drive from our house. The leaves are just starting to turn and we have two sets of house guests coming in to leaf peep in the next couple of weeks.

Well, you picked out a gorgeous "Aracauna" (which are apparently even rarer than the "Ameraucanas" that people get sold in error). Does she have a pea comb? That is supposed to up the chances of a non-brown egg. My two came in the mail from Meyer Hatchery, who were good enough to sell them as Easter Eggers. One has a good pea comb, the other one's comb looks a bit scrambled. I'll report back when they lay, blue, green, or otherwise.

And good luck with your babies! How fun to get a new batch!!!

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