First Broody Hen!


10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
Hi Folks,
I'm new to this, my 30 week old hen just went broody yesterday.
We take her eggs each day and put them in the refrigerator.
We took four of hers out and put them under her. Are refrigerated eggs still viable hatchers? As far as fertility, she's been active
with our rooster, so it's possible the eggs are fertile.
From what I understand , there is some debate on the viable rate of refrigerated eggs. I know that there was a thread where a lady did use some eggs that were in the fridge and still got a 80 percent hatch rate.
They can still hatch, but your percentages tend to go down. You'll have a better chance if they were stored in there for a short time and pointy end down not up. Any chance you can get fertile eggs from another hen or somewhere else to put under her so she has a better chance of hatching some chicks?

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