First egg alert feeding question 😁


In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2023
I was super excited to find my very first egg laid by my Rhode Island read this morning question as I have five other hens of different breeds that are not laying yet and still have a few weeks of maturity before they begin lay should I mix layer feed in with my grower feed or should I switch over to a laying feed? Thanks 😊


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You can do either; grower feed with oyster shell, or switch to layers feed.
As Kiki mentions above allowing the hens to accumulate a store of calcium before they start laying can help to reduce some of those early egg abnormalities.
Some pullets take a while to work out their calcium intake and layers feed, assuming they'll eat it, takes care of this without the complication of providing calcium seperately.
My preference in the long term is an all flock type feed and calcium supplement available for the laying hens daily.
It's making the judgement when to make the change over to a higher calcium feeding option that is important. Only you can do this by observing the maturity of your hens.
If you have a male then his interest in mating with the hens can help guide you.
Finish the bag of grower feed and then switch them all over to the layer feed.
It's actually better to start them on layer feed a few weeks before you get the first egg.

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