First egg & double yoker


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Northern Idaho
So my easter egger layed finally. It was HUGE!!!! Had almost a perfect line around the center of it. When we cracked it open it was a double yoker. So far she has been laying every other day. Well today we got her 3rd egg and I swear it is the size of a large egg. Yet my red sex link has been laying an egg a day now for 9-10days and hers arent anywhere near that big yet. So when do you know if your chicken will lay double yokers every now an then? Or was that just a first time egg fluke?
Woot! pictures please
They usually will lay the double yolkers during the first months of laying. The egg factory just doesn't quite know what to do at first. It usually stops.
our freedom rangers started laying (we have 9 hens at 17-18 weeks of age; really need to be processed, just to hot and haven't had time).

one of the little pullet eggs was a double yolker. i didn't see it, they're at my dad's. i guess it was a regular-looking small pullet egg, with two tiny yolks
They usually will lay the double yolkers during the first months of laying. The egg factory just doesn't quite know what to do at first. It usually stops.

how cool is that. Cant wait for my first double.
I just had to update this thread. She has now laid 4 double yoke eggs. You can tell which ones they are, as they look like large/jumbo eggs. I hope she keeps it up and doesn't stop, they are need to see. I took pictures with my cell phone just havent uploaded the pictures yet, as my memory card is behind my battery and is a pain to get to.

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