First egg is rubber???

Georgie is good today....... like nothing happened... she is up and around, wide eyed and bushy tailed... we will keep a close eye on her though for a while... thanks for your support...
What it looks like is that the shell is not there... just the membrane... i did open it up and the inside was beautiful.... nice dark yolk, thick whites... i'm still not sure if the shell got like that from being stuck. That would be my guess, based on my other hen's shells being so thick.... we get eggs (hopefully not much longer) from a local farm and they have free range chickens who are WELL cared for and our hen's shells are in better condition than theirs... so we must be doing something right

Since our girl is fine this morning we will keep an eye on her to make sure she lays ok - probably tomorrow.... at least our other one laid every other day to begin is every day.

i would think also with the organic nuts they get daily and the high content of calcium in those that the shell issue is related to them being stuck...or it could be a genetic thing... we will see as her laying goes on if this changes....
thanks again for the supportive answers
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She laid an absolutely perfect egg today...nice thick shell, medium in size...
Thanks for your supportive notes

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