
8 Years
Sep 27, 2011
Gold Coast QLD Australia
Hi everyone!!!
We got our first egg this morning!! Wow....we got our 3 day old chicks in August we have our first egg 21/01/2012..
We put some fake eggs in the boxes (with straw) & our little brown, pumpkin, kept checking it out the last few days, & she
laid the egg. A little brown one....cant take a pic cos we cant find the camera!!!!
Not to worry. Im so proud of her!!
Its in the fridge as I dont want any chicks....our coop is too small & so is our backyard.
We love our chickens so much, they are a part of our family. So far so good with our roo. No one has complained so far....we
still put him in the garage every night & take him out in the morning 9am. Hes as cute as a button, & loves a cuddle.
Hope everyone had a great xmas & new year!!!!
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I just got my first egg also. I even surprised myself at how giddy I became, and I'm given to easy giddiness. Haha. YAY!


What a great idea about housing your rooster in the garage ... hmm .... I wonder ....
Hi Mum, I got the rooster from the animal welfare here in Australia. He is so placid. You can bath him, cuddle him to sleep, & just pick him up without having to chase him. He coo's to you when you talk to him so I would be really loathe to get rid of him. The 1st day I got him I left him in the coop overnight to see what they do. He crowed at 6.30am. I raced downstairs & bundled him into an animal carrier & bought him inside. We had an old rabbit hutch which was big. I got rid of the upstairs partition & installed a perch. Thats were he roosts at night & is happy in there. Plenty of room for straw, water & food (in containers that hook onto the bars) & enough room to crow. It is a very muffled crow, so when the neighbours are in their bedrooms they would hardly hear him. The noise from the main road makes more noise than him. So no complaints thus far....although he does crow a few times during the day. I thought a decent humanly time to put him out with the girls is about 9am. Fair for all i think. Thanks for the congrats. We now have 3 eggs a day from our girls....4 in one day last week lol.

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