First Gobble!!!


8 Years
May 1, 2011
I got my 1st gobble from my 3 month old tom yesterday
It was high pitch, but deffinetly a gobble. Almost every time my chickens would crow he would gobble.
Yeah!.. Its good to see people that get so excited about raising turkeys. I have to admit I wasn't even going to look at this post, but your enthusiasm is contagious! Thank you!
I have the most docile Tom ever! He never presents or struts and the only time I've ever heard him gobble was when I was using the powerdrill/screwdriver to replace wire on a rabbit hutch right behind their cage--probably twenty feet. Everytime the drill started he would gobble. I haven't found anything else yet that alerts him haha. They're about 3 to 3 1/2 months old so maybe he just isn't old enough to be manly yet. I can't wait until he starts gobbling all the time!


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