first time babies


11 Years
May 30, 2008
pulaski wisconsin
this was my first time hatching i ordered 2 dozen eggs from pidgey and 2 days later i got 23 in the mail and out of the 23 only onewas broken. and after 17 days 9 eggs left and now i have 3 new babies


one of the white ones is supposed to be a SL/GL wyandotte buff orpington mix and the other 2 are from layer pen 1 its justa jumble of different layers and roos so ??? no idea what they are was hoping for a cochin mix but the only one so far that had fuzzy feet was one that pipped to low and drowned
was really depressed so im kinda looking for some cochin chicks now...but will never use an incubator stressful next time its broody hens all the way.
AWW those are cute babies! I'm glad you got a few out of them. I hope you can find some cochins! I may order those different color bantam cochins eggs that you mentioned so if you want me to try to hatch some for you just let me know. I will prob do that this fall where the weather is not so hot.

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