First Time Broody - First Time Hatch


11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
New Hampshire
I have a Japanese bantam that went broody. The first set of eggs she sat on for 3 days before another hen booted her out. So we moved her into a private suite and set 5 eggs under her that she hoarded. I have a few questions;

1) Do broody hens know if the eggs have gone south?
2) I was told that bantams set for 19-21 days for a hatch - true?
3) Do hatches happen typically at certain times of the day?
4) The eggs came from multiple hens - with 9 hens, I imagine 3 roosters got the job done?

She is such a good little girl - she is very attentive and only gets off for about 5 minutes a day. Your help is greatly appreciated.
1) Yes.
2) Mine sat on her eggs for 24 days.
3) Not that I know of... I think usually around noon but I don't know for sure.
4) Even one rooster could do the job but usually they will ALL try to mate ALL of the hens if you have multiple roos.

I hope that helps!!!
Thanks for the information. I have 3 d'Uccles, 2 dark brahmas, 3 japanese bantams, one buff brahma and an OEGB hen. I have a buff brahma, japanese and d'Uccle rooster with the girls - it is funny, the d'Uccle and Japanese stay with "their" kind and the brahmas stay with the brahmas.

OK so I guess I have to be patient.

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