First time broody hen...when they hatch, what do I do?


12 Years
Mar 6, 2011
I have a bantam cochin sitting on 5 eggs. I candled them today and all are developing nicely. I am not sure what day they are on, because I forgot to write down when I officially let her start sitting. There were lots of veins, nice air sac, and movement. She was VERY unhappy when I went to investigate. I don't plan on messing with them again.

My question is, what feed should I have ready in the coop for them? They are isolated from the other chickens, so I don't have to worry about that. Through the broody process I have just kept the mama on her regular layer feed. Also, what about a waterer? I don't want the chicks to drown. Right now she has a tupperware full of water because I was out of spare waterers. Do I need to pick a chick waterer up from the feed store?

I am so excited and I have my fingers crossed! My roosters were silkies (I rehomed them shortly after broody started sitting) and possible moms are a barred rock, black sex link, and a black australorp. My silkies were black. I can't wait to see how the mixes turn out. Jaws (the broody cochin) is I hope she accepts all the chicks. She was sitting on one of her eggs (or my other bantam cochin), but it didn't develop. I was sad about that one.

Anyway, back to my original question...what food and water sources should I have ready for mama and babies when they hatch?
well unless you want the chicks to drowned in their water dish then I would buy a chick waterer. As for the feed I have never let my broodies hatch but I would mix the layer with baby seed so that the mom will eat the big peices and the babies will eat the small ones.
You can give them water in any shallow dish and just fill the dish with marbles or small stones, so the chicks don't get wet/drown in it. Food wise you can feed them and mom chick starter. The hen will be fine on chick starter, but the chicks must not eat layer food. The high calcium content damages their organs. Good luck with the hatch!
Thanks. I am getting anxious to see what they look like. She has been such a good sitter so I hope she gets rewarded with babies.
I checked on Jaws today and noticed that there was an egg not in the nest. It was bloody. It had feathers stuck to it. It was ice cold. I candled it and there was no movement. I did crack it to see what was going on..there was a little black chick fully formed and dead. I moved Jaws off her nest to look at the eggs. There were only 3 under her. Last I checked she was sitting on 5. So, she booted out the dead one...where is the other one? Could she have eaten it? I checked the eggs 5 days ago. I am so sad. I have my fingers crossed that the others will hatch, but I'm not holding my breath. If they don't hatch within the next 5 days, I may try to slip a chick or two under her.
Awesome!!!! Do you have the chick starter and water ready for her? It will only take a day or two before she is runnign around the pen checking things out.

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