First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

So @Serenashome posted some of our pics of our new chicks, but I wanted to show them off with a professional photo shoot with some of the names we already have. I'll update this as we finish the names! (by professional I mean a white poster board, light, and an iphone 6)

Chocobo 3 day old BO

Little BO (no name yet)


Puff BR

No Name yet BR

No name yet BR

So that's the flock! They are living in a delux brooder currently, here is my grandson getting them to come to him. He's got Chocobo and Puff on his fingertips!

My babies arent so little anymore, they are about 7 weeks and adorable!..and they love yogurt :D
and as far as the food goes thankfully there's a feed store 2 blocks for me that I have an account with so simple to have to go and get more. and as far as room goes the owner of the barn where I board my horse gave me a large brooder after I brought home more than the 6 to begin with. it's homemade and about 4 by 4 by 2 and a half. And can be moved outside as it has a real roof on it once they get big enough

My new babies! 10 days old today! One road island red, one brown leghorn, one cuckoo maran and two Ameraucana!!!! I'm so excited for eggs this fall!!! Is anyone else in here a new chicken parent in Alaska??
My question is how is that poster board still white and not covered in chick crap??!! Lmao!

I lined a box with paper and "laminated" it with packing tape, I have shavings in the bottom so they don't slip... Mega easy clean up
I'm not sure how everyone else does it ... Now that they are big though it's just snap 100 pictures and hope for 6 good ones


I tried a paper towel too too see if I could get better pictures

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