First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

thank you!!!

Does anyone have tips on how to reduce the waste of feed? We tried the paper towel, which made it more evident as to how much food they are wasting.

I had the same question and did a search on this forum - I found a lot of good ideas. Also search YouTube - there are some good examples that tackle this problem on there. I found the links actually from a post on here
After two months of going round and round with my daughter, we will be getting our chicks this week. I'm quite nervous due to the fact we have an indoor/outdoor cat and my three year old son who is rather rough. I'm also facing a fear of birds by doing this. Any suggestions on the best breeds to get with my particular situation?
Hi all.I'm not a first time chick parent but out of having chickens for around 5 years this is my FIRST time ordering from a hatchery. I'm soo excited and nervous ! I placed my spring order in January and picked April 11th as my hatch/ship date thinking it would be warmer. I had NO IDEA HOW HARD IT WAS TO WAIT THIS LONG!!BUT I DO finally have some news! your probably going to laugh at me but after waiting soooo long this IS big news to me! Next Monday my 9 little eggs go into the hatcheries incubator!! Yea!!!
I'm so excited! when they ship please Pray they arrive from there long journey alive and well! my order is very small only 9 chicks. I'm expecting 7 Female Barred Rocks, 1 "suprise breed" production layer Female, and 1 Female Golden Cuckoo Maran. I can hardly wait to meet them! I just wanted to share with you all that finally after such a loooong wait soon they will be incubating!!! yea!!!

I know exactly what you mean!!! I just found out my little chicks won't be here until April 27th!! I have 10 barred rocks, 5 Blue Cochins, 5 Australorps, and 5 Golden Laced Wyandottes coming!! At least this gives me more time to build the coop and by then I may be able to raise them more naturally outside in the coop with the heating pad method! I am so excited!!
The 8 week old pullets got kicked out of the house today into a 10x10' dog kennel that I've fortified against predators. Here is their reaction:


On a sad note, I lost one of my buff cochin chicks today. She(?) had develpoed a really swollen hock joint that eventually ulcerated. I tried to treat, but she didn't have a great chance. And now my black cochin is having respiratory issues. Gave her nutri-drench and a bit of agave syrup, but She went down so fast. I will be picking up some antibiotics to keep on hand, just in case this spreads.
The 8 week old pullets got kicked out of the house today into a 10x10' dog kennel that I've fortified against predators. Here is their reaction:


On a sad note, I lost one of my buff cochin chicks today. She(?) had develpoed a really swollen hock joint that eventually ulcerated. I tried to treat, but she didn't have a great chance. And now my black cochin is having respiratory issues. Gave her nutri-drench and a bit of agave syrup, but She went down so fast. I will be picking up some antibiotics to keep on hand, just in case this spreads.

This is sad news. I wish you well. Nice photo. They look happy.
Buff orphingtons and Rhode Island Reds are sweet birds. We have a few and they are so nice. Of course I love htem because they like to come visit. I was sitting in the yard the other day with my sisters and the hens joined us. We looked so silly, three ladies surrounded by hens. Our hen, Blondie, loves to be in laps, as does Sweetheart and Grumpy, but Grumpy prefers me to everyone else.
I have 9 slw chicks about 3 weeks old, I have just noticed on most of them a tumor like sac on the right side of their chests, it is covered in feathers and they all seem as crazy and happy as ever, what is this?
Buff orphingtons and Rhode Island Reds are sweet birds. We have a few and they are so nice. Of course I love htem because they like to come visit. I was sitting in the yard the other day with my sisters and the hens joined us. We looked so silly, three ladies surrounded by hens. Our hen, Blondie, loves to be in laps, as does Sweetheart and Grumpy, but Grumpy prefers me to everyone else. 

The chick who keeps climbing into my lap is a BO named Dinah. I have four others, but they're a little more standoffish.

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