First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Hi, I'm also a newbie. We get our very first chicks next week. We may be crazy, but we are getting 50 straight run RIR. Plan to have most of them become meat chicks in mid-May and may keep a few for eggs. I'm so excited I can't hardly sleep all night. Just keep learning things on this website. Hope we do it right!
I am getting my second batch of chicks in 9 days! I'm worried bc I look out my window this morning to see it had snowed during the night. I'm getting 6 chicks. 2 rir, 1 black Australorp, 1 gold laced Wyandotte, 1 Welsummer and a mystery chick. I'm excited to find out what it will be. I got a white leghorn last time. The anticipation is just as bad as last year. Have fun with your chicks!
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Not first time chick parent but first time getting chicks shipped from a hatchery. I ordered in January thinking April weather would be better for the chicks. Now they ship out Monday and it's really cold and pouring rain!! Please say a prayer for my chick's to arrive alive and healthy! I'm so worried! It's cold, wet, and awful out. Here I waited almost 4 months! Ugh!I've been so excited for them and now this awful weather! I pray they make the trip alright!!Thanks friends for your support. It means a lot to me! The little chicks need all the prayers they can get for this long cold journey! I only have 10 coming I'm so worried! They ship out Monday at 3pm eastern time (12pm my time) they will be shipping express because of the small order. Under 14 automatically go express. I sure pray this weather don't hold them up or over!!!!
realsis, I'll keep your chicks in my thoughts. I love the silkie you have on your profile! Buff silkies are just the best. Are you getting more silkies? I want get one to train as a therapy chicken (I'm a child therapist and I am debating how good of an idea this is).
They don't look happy with me...

Just added 3 three day old ducklings with our 11 Silkie Bantams that are 4 days old. Any suggestions on how to make both the ducklings and chic's get along better and for a more comfortable environment for both would be greatly appreciated.
Just added 3 three day old ducklings with our 11 Silkie Bantams that are 4 days old. Any suggestions on how to make both the ducklings and chic's get along better and for a more comfortable environment for both would be greatly appreciated.
If it were me I would brood them separately. Ducklings will turn anything and everything into as puddle, and that is something that isn't great for silkies. They will also grow much more quickly.

You could ask over on the duck forum to see if anyone has suggestions on less messy ways to brood ducklings.

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