First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Well they lay down and lean to the side and half raise their wing. It's hard to explain, but every time I see them doing it and try to take a pic they move.

Just one of my chicks scares the crap out of me because I find her like all the time and think she's dead!
Our chicks go to bed at dusk, and if we leave the light on, Chocobo informs us that she can't sleep like that!  They all wake up and come out between 0545 and 0600.  They all run to the food and water and then start scratching at what dirt is left from the sod we put in.

They found two worms in the sod, needless to say the worms were not happy lol.

It's been an awesome week, and since they can see us all the time through the glass, they don't get spooked at all when we open it, they even come running when you stick your face up to the glass.  It's great for my grandson to be able to watch them. He's 4, and he saw one stretch for the first time he said "Ma ma, look she is growing her legs!" 

Kids are soo cute when they say things!!!
Well this is my set up I had then for a week now their doing supper well I have them on medicated feed and electrolytes in the water... I know nervous father hear
now that my girlfriend saw them looks like I'll be ordering more laying hens in the near future

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