First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Question, my babies are almost 4 weeks old. We live in Florida and it's hot lol when can I move them to the outside coop? Also I have 3 older chickens they are about 3 months old, how do I introduce all of them together?
Our Orpingtons move out to the coop today and the Silkies move to the big dog kennel
Tomorrow is the big day!!!! We are getting our chicks. I can't decide whether to go wth 10 or 12. I may stick to 10. A nice small intimate flock.

I am just so excited!!!!! I feel like I can't contain myself! I've been talking everyone's ear off about these chickens for the last month and now it's finally here!!!!

Good luck with your new babies today!
When I went to let the older pullets out to free range, there were four "practice nests" dug into the straw. And when Einstein came running up to me, she squatted for me when I started petting her down the back like I usually do. I can almost taste the eggs now...
Got my chicks today!!!! here are some pics. I'll post individual shots a little later. I'm thinking they should rest from getting home for a bit first.

They are all 2 weeks old. :)

What do you think? The Barred Rock on the farthest left. Has a comb forming already and is the biggest chick among them all.

Hi Kim,
Go to Tractor Supply and pick up the smallest bottle of Bovidr Labs Poultry Nutri-Dench. Mix it in their water for the next 1-2 weeks so the water looks like very weak tea. It is a top quality nutritional supplement which doesn't need digested. It will combat any travel stress and stress associated with adjusting to their new home. I have used it for over a decade on my dogs ( Pet Nutri-Drops) and poultry ( Poultry or Goat Nutri-Drench, always using the poultry usage and dosage instructions) . Often when chicks get to a new home it takes time for them to adjust and during that time they may not uptake all the nutrition you are providing. The Nutri-Drench fills that nutritional gap so your chicks don't have any hitch in their developmental progress. The one small bottle is enough for your brooding season.
It's supposed to rain off and on for the next few days. If I let my chickens have the choice to stay in or out will they make the smart choice to come in or do I need to keep the door closed to the run?? They do know how to get in and out and love going in and out!!
Mine go in and out at will in the rain or the snow. Not all of them....I can always know ahead of time which ones are going to head outside no matter what! They're smart enough to decide for themselves what they want to do, and then they just do it - without or without our consent at times!
It's not finished but it was enough that they got a couple hours to roam today
More progress tomorrow hopefully
Happy chickens



And yes the shovel is load bearing at the moment lol

How old do the chicks need to be before they can spend some time outside supervised?

How old do they need to be to be given some dried mealworms? Do they need chick grit with it?

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