First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

First Time Chick Parent here! So, I LOVE this site it helped me learn so much before I brought home my babies! These are my babies picture taken on 5/26/16. They were born 5/23/16. 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Black sex links, and 2 barred rocks. I live in very North NJ and I have 4 human children ranging from almost 4 yrs to 17 yrs who are all now absolutely in love. They all, including my husband thought I was nuts wanting to raise chickens. We already have 2 cats a dog and a rabbit so I couldn't imagine it be much worse than any of those, so far they are easier than any of the other animals lol. They've started to recognize my voice and don't run when I go in to change things. I am so excited each morning to look at them and see their daily changing features.

Sigh. East Frisian Gulls are really, really fragile. I've lost more than half of them now while the Queen Silvias are going strong. I thought that everything had stabilized when I didn't lose any for a few days...then I switched the Nutri-drench for regular water...two dead today. I don't think I'll ever be getting any more of this breed unless some of these survive to produce offspring through natural brooding. It's been too heart-breaking.


So sorry about your new babies.... that is really hard! Have you contacted GFF? Being such reputable breeders, I bet they'd appreciate knowing that you lost so many of the EFGs, and perhaps they can do something for you?

How are the remaining chicks doing now?
First Time Chick Parent here! So, I LOVE this site it helped me learn so much before I brought home my babies! These are my babies picture taken on 5/26/16. They were born 5/23/16. 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Black sex links, and 2 barred rocks. I live in very North NJ and I have 4 human children ranging from almost 4 yrs to 17 yrs who are all now absolutely in love. They all, including my husband thought I was nuts wanting to raise chickens. We already have 2 cats a dog and a rabbit so I couldn't imagine it be much worse than any of those, so far they are easier than any of the other animals lol. They've started to recognize my voice and don't run when I go in to change things. I am so excited each morning to look at them and see their daily changing features.
It is an awesome place! We have learned so much from the people here.
Hello all! :)

First time chick parent here in the UK. My friend incubated us 6 SLW bantam eggs in her incy, alongside some japanese quails. 1 was infertile, 5 developed to hatch day, 4 hatched, and then 1 chick had to be culled at a month old due to developing a beak deformity.

Out of the 3 remaining we have 2 hens and a cock I think. They are 6 weeks old now. Will see if I can figure out how to add pictures from my phone!
I'm a first time chick parent as well. I have 9- 2 RIR, 3 EE, 1 Salmon Favorelle, 1 Buff Cochin, 1 Partridge Rock, and 1 Jersey Giant.

This is one of the EE's as a baby, they're all around 5 weeks old now though.
They are all soooo cute! :D We have a Lucy and a Betty as well. Our Betty we call, Black Betty (like the song) and Lucy is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. :D 

Betty became that bc she was a little black b&$@h the first couple days to Wilma, so I called her black Betty instead of black b_____ lol. And Lucy is a RIR, Lucy like Lucille ball.... I explained all my names to my kids and they are like who's Lucy and Ethel? .... I failed at parenting apparently.

For now...muahaha!

12 will fill my coop halfway (once it's built) so I'm trying to be a good girl so that I can let them hatch out some babies next year and/or buy more chicks and not be completely full *crosses fingers*

So sorry about your new babies.... that is really hard!  Have you contacted GFF?  Being such reputable breeders, I bet they'd appreciate knowing that you lost so many of the EFGs, and perhaps they can do something for you?

How are the remaining chicks doing now?

I moved the chicks back in with the Queen Silvias--I had separated them after the first few chicks passed in case they were getting smothered. No deaths for past two days although a few EFGs have developed pasty butt, which wasn't an issue before. But I know how to treat that now that there is at least a symptom--the others were just found dead without warning.

Once they've grown a bit more, I will let GFF know the final count, etc.. They sent more than enough extras to make up for the ones that passed in the first 72 hours, which is all they were responsible for, and I'm certainly not complaining about them...just my luck with this breed.

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