First time chicken rescue, crop impaction? Please help!


May 20, 2022
Hi everyone! I’m a first time chicken mom and unexpectedly rescued a chicken yesterday. I’ve always wanted chickens but I’m not prepared at all! I have no idea of her precious situation as she was found stranded, chased under someone’s porch by a dog. (No injuries from that). Shes living in our chicken proofed bathroom until we build her a coop and she feels better. I made her roosts and she has a nesting box. She seems comfortable but I can tell she wants to be outside. Poor thing. She’s a mature hen, I’m not sure how old. She’s almost blind in one eye, it looks like maybe it was pecked when she was younger. Fully healed. Her tail is crooked, I’m thinking wry tail but she’s holding it down. She’s very tired and I’m sure she had a long journey but even after a full nights rest she stands in place, closes her eyes. She’ll move around some then repeat. She lays down at night and seems to want to roost, but hasn’t yet and when I help her she struggles to get down again. I’m not sure if she’s not coordinated because of her eye or if she’s weak ect. She’s very very sweet and lays near me and is tolerant to what I do to her. Her bottom was caked with poop, to the point where there were painful rocks of molded poop around her bum, poor thing. I cut all those feathers short so that area is much cleaner. I’d like to wash her butt soon. Her feet look great, filed nails.

The main issue is her crop, it seems impacted. She’s pooping often, every 15 minutes or so and her poops are dark brown with bright white urates almost every time. No other colors or textures other than an occasional more liquidy poop but it looks the same as the others. No putrid smell. No bad breath. No discharge from eyes or nose, no sneezing whistling, clicking, coughing, ect. No shaking or tremors, no odd behavior other than being quiet and tired. She’ll cluck on occasion. Her crop feels like softened clay or dough, with a few grits/seeds. It makes gurgling sounds, sometimes worse than others. Almost sounds like a human stomach rumbling/upset. She let out some burps when I massaged it and they didn’t stink. She was fed “chicken treat” (dried fruit mixed seeds) and cracked corn yesterday and this morning until we can get her proper food. She’s had a few raspberries and some banana, as well as an earthworm and some superworms. She loved them. (Recommendations for feed?) she doesn’t have traditional granite grit yet but she has a variety of small pebbles of different textures I collected and she’s eaten a few so far. I also offered rough crushed eggshell that she’s gone after. I’ll get her oyster shells and grit today. She ate this morning but I’ve taken away her food and she only has water, eggshells and “grit”. I gave her half a syringe of olive oil, 1 tsp BeneBac probiotic powder, garlic water, and a splash of vinegar mixed together and massaged her crop. She didn’t seem to mind for quite awhile but then started making noises at me to stop. So I did. In the mean time I’ll make her some scrambled eggs and get her greek plain yogurt to eat in the mean time. I’m waiting to see if her crop empties. It wasn’t this morning, unless she ate before I checked on her. She seems uncomfortable for sure. Please help, she’s a sweetheart and I want her feeling better. There’s no vets around here educated on chickens.


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She does look awfully sweet. She appears to be between three and four years. Has she laid an egg yet? Until she lays several eggs, and she seems certain to lay more, she shouldn't have layer feed. Get a small bag of Purina Flock Raiser and oyster shell in case she craves calcium.

Her "tired" state may be nothing more than stress from being on the road with its accompanying hazards, and she could probably use a little sugar in her water for a couple days, along with some Poultry Nutri-drench.

Here is my article on crop disorders and how to identify and treat them once you have figured out which one she may have.
I would just lay off on all the extra stuff and see if her crop empties overnight. When you get proper chicken food, offer only that and fresh water for a few days and see how she does. Keep us updated on her progress. And welcome to BYC.
Thank you!! I took food away a few hours before bedtime and her crop was still full and doughy in the morning. It seemed slightly smaller, and she had a few good looking poops. One was slightly green, maybe that was from some blockage passing? She had some scrambled eggs with olive oil for breakfast and has been drinking water. I got her proper grit and feed today.
She does look awfully sweet. She appears to be between three and four years. Has she laid an egg yet? Until she lays several eggs, and she seems certain to lay more, she shouldn't have layer feed. Get a small bag of Purina Flock Raiser and oyster shell in case she craves calcium.

Her "tired" state may be nothing more than stress from being on the road with its accompanying hazards, and she could probably use a little sugar in her water for a couple days, along with some Poultry Nutri-drench.

Here is my article on crop disorders and how to identify and treat them once you have figured out which one she may have.
Thank you! I actually did see that link before posting, and I’m still thinking it’s impacted crop. Just not to the point of her not passing food, but to the point where her crop is still full and doughy in the morning. She seems better today. I gave her scrambled eggs for breakfast and once she finishes a small amount I give her a little more. I got her layer feed, I hope that’s okay. I also got grit and some natural plain goat yogurt with probiotics. She still has calcium but I will get oyster shells tomorrow for when she’s low. She has not laid an egg yet. We got her a coop today, so I’m hoping she will feel more happy and comfortable by tomorrow and hopefully will lay. May I ask why layer feed isn’t good unless she lays often? Too much calcium ect? Thank you!
UPDATE:after further research, I’m almost positive it’s doughy crop, and not an impaction. What’s the quickest way to deal with this, and what do I feed her in the meantime? She has solid poops, an appetite, but doesn’t drink much water that I’ve noticed unless I splash the water to get her attention. How can I encourage that? I’m not sure how long she was without water before I rescued her so that could have a part in this.

I got her a coop! It’s the cutest thing, a great temporary setup for one (and eventually 2) chickens. She’s very happy to be outside. It has a run, and I put a tarp over the ground to keep her from eating plants or hard bugs, just until her crop is better. I’ll post a picture tomorrow. Can I give her squishy bugs like earthworms? What foods are safe for doughy crop? I hate depriving her of her chicken hobbies. I just want her to feel better.

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