First time duck hatcher - help?!


7 Years
Apr 21, 2012

I'm currently hatching some minature duck eggs (not call ducks) in a styrofoam incubator. We already have pet call ducks, and they've hatched broods very well, but I have never used an incubator before. I bought the eggs online.

Out of the eggs we had, only 2 have made it to this stage - in theory, ready to hatch. But my question is - it's day 29, the eggs are jiggling about and have been for 2 days, but there's been no chirping, and no cracks in the shells.

I've been as careful as I can with keeping the temprature and humidity steady, and haven't turned the eggs since day 25. Will they hatch? Do they need me to help them out?!

Any advice very gratefully received!


They might still hatch. I have not had much luck with shipped eggs and a styrofoam bator. I think you should just wait it out and see what happens. They could still hatch.
I would spritz them through the vent holes with warm water. What is your humidity at? My ducklings came from shipped eggs and were hatched in a styrofoam incubator, they also hatched late.

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