First time duck owner

The buff white Mohawk headed duck is the new one she said was male. I still don't see a drake feather. Maybe I don't know what I am looking for?

Any idea what kind he is? I thought she said the Mohawks were a defect?

She was on her way out so I didn't get to speak with her otherwise I would have asked her.

Looks like a Runner to me and the crest means under neathe those feather the skull is open and only fatty tissue covers the brain. along with the feathers of course. Some ducklings have serious problems when hatched and don't make it others do, looks like yours is very healthy and pretty too. Lovely goose and ducks and I don't see a drake feather either do you know how old?
You can see my chicken door in the background. It has a heavy metal grate for a door and it's closed to the water fowl during the day so the chickens can go in the man sized door to lay
I think the goose may fit through there what do you think?
No I don't know how old but I'm thinking of texting her to ask. I think they are still really young. Maybe she heard him quacking and knew he was male.

She did fit easily into the door. She seems happy enough.

Runner duck. Okay. Now that you say that I can see that the neck looks longer and the body leaner like some runners I have seen online. I just can't figure it out myself.
No I don't know how old but I'm thinking of texting her to ask. I think they are still really young. Maybe she heard him quacking and knew he was male.

She did fit easily into the door. She seems happy enough.

Runner duck. Okay. Now that you say that I can see that the neck looks longer and the body leaner like some runners I have seen online. I just can't figure it out myself.
I love Runners and yours is a beautiful color love the crest too you should be able to tell by quack if drake or duck drakes have a raspy quack females are loud. We have info about Crested go up top to the search and type in crested ducks you see the info.
I read some of the info on crested. It seems to be a bit controversial

I understand breeding crested with crested (or what o call a Mohawk, that's how much I know, lol) is a bad idea because you will likely have a bad hatch rate and ducklings that die quickly.

I'm not really a breeder. I have them for fun and to try duck eggs. I want no more than the 4 I have.

So a fence would only need to be 48" high since I have ducks that don't fly?
Is my goose a pilgrim goose from what you all can see in the pic?
I read some of the info on crested. It seems to be a bit controversial

I understand breeding crested with crested (or what o call a Mohawk, that's how much I know, lol) is a bad idea because you will likely have a bad hatch rate and ducklings that die quickly.

I'm not really a breeder. I have them for fun and to try duck eggs. I want no more than the 4 I have.

So a fence would only need to be 48" high since I have ducks that don't fly?
Is my goose a pilgrim goose from what you all can see in the pic?
48" is a good height for keeping yours in. It won't keep preds out those that can climb but yours will locked up at night and that is when most predators are out and about.
I read some of the info on crested. It seems to be a bit controversial

I understand breeding crested with crested (or what o call a Mohawk, that's how much I know, lol) is a bad idea because you will likely have a bad hatch rate and ducklings that die quickly.

I'm not really a breeder. I have them for fun and to try duck eggs. I want no more than the 4 I have.

So a fence would only need to be 48" high since I have ducks that don't fly?
Is my goose a pilgrim goose from what you all can see in the pic?

Can you get a closer picture of your goose showing legs, belly? From the chest color it may be african. Lovely flock, congrats!
Can you get a closer picture of your goose showing legs, belly? From the chest color it may be african. Lovely flock, congrats!


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